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Each piece is custom drawn by an experienced artist & pet owner
Whether you're looking to show off your dogs sport shots, classic headshots, or just simply want to get creative together, Alannimals is here to help make your ideas come to life.
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Meet scenic Mila
It's so hard to describe what is going on in my brain to anyone asking what exactly I do with ideas/orders,...
Easy Toppl Enrichment: Apple edition
When the dogs are driving me nuts and I need them to relax for a moment then we head to the...
FAQ: Ink vs Vinyl
One of the most common questions to date is which is better: ink or vinyl? Well, they both have their own...
Top 3 favorite winter toys (according to Waylon)
When bringing toys out into the snow what I look at is: Is it easy to wipe off / how water...
Easy Sweet Potato Chews
 This may be one of the easiest dog chews you can make without stinking up the house. It does take awhile...
Dog Friendly Kimberley
Living in Kimberley is a breeze if you have a dog. Not only was almost every shop dog friendly, but they...